How to create blog - a guide to blogging beginners

How to create blog - a guide to blogging beginners

When you start blogging, all you need is a simple idea that can turn into something more. Personally, the hardest step in starting a blog is finding something to write about. The idea you choose will contribute to your overall success because it will determine the design and content of your blog. It takes a lot of effort to brainstorm your idea.

What's the idea?

Idea - a thought or suggestion about a possible move.

If you have a thought or idea, it will help you formulate a plan of action. For example, I wanted to create a blog about SEO. This made me learn what it takes to get to the Top Search. This pushed me towards other elements, which I will discuss later. It's time for you to reflect on the "idea". You can take action now.


This is the best way to frame your blogging idea because it just takes you to sit down and write what you enjoy doing. The great thing is that people are different, and what you are passionate about will be different from what others are passionate about. This is great because you can be passionate about something that is not online and that has a huge following . However, passion shouldn't be about making money, because it really is about doing what you love and not giving up in the process. During my blogging time, those who started something for money were defeated because they didn't like doing what they were doing.

Passion = quality work

The more passionate you are about this topic, the more effort you put into writing content. You want to share your passion with the whole world. You can turn your passion into high quality content.

Passion = motivation

When you're passionate about your idea, you won't be put off by the lack of progress early in your career. What for? Again, you don’t do this for money, and because you love writing about an idea, you will remain motivated regardless of the initial outcome.

Find your passion:

Again, finding your passion means looking back at what you enjoy doing. For example, I've always been into blogging. Once I understood the whole mechanics of how this could be used in education and income potential, I decided to start my own blog. However, it is important to note that I have always been into content writing since high school.

I started blogging, not really expecting to make money on it, but read what the leading bloggers were saying when changing strategy or content.

Need to try…

It's time to start brainstorming ideas that you like and would like to share with others on the internet. If you write down ideas just because you want to make money right away, you should start over until you get a list of topics that have no monetary value. These ideas on paper should reflect your passion. Ask yourself this question:

Can I write content without earning a money?

If you answered “NO”, then you are not keen on this and will not survive for more than a few weeks. However, if you answered “YES”, then this is perhaps a topic on which you can move on.

Additional research:

Hopefully by now you have a few “ideas” on your list and I would encourage you to pick one and start building a blog ; however, it helps to do some research. At the end of the day, you want to write about something that engages readers so that your content has meaning on the web. It's nice to have followers and be able to share your hobbies with others. It may even be a potential source of future income; however, we will not dwell on this for now.

Let's jump right into the research ...

Google Keyword Planner:

It is a free keyword research and competition tool for your primary keyword. Next, this is a great way to find out if your niche or idea is in demand. For example, if you find keywords with high search volume and can find phrases based on questions, you can use them when writing content. Use Google Keyword Planner to further narrow your questions and generate content ideas. However, focus on keywords that have high search volume so you know your niche is in demand. This is especially important if you plan to monetize your blog in the future, which we'll talk about later.

Google search:

Once you have a list of potential keywords, go to Google search and search for each one using quotes. What for? This is a great way to find out how many other bloggers are using this keyword in their blog and page titles.

This will give you a good idea of ​​how competitive your niche is, which is important for SEO and ranking. The more bloggers focus on a specific keyword, the harder it will be to promote your article or blog in general. Again, this is important if you plan to monetize your blog or are simply promoting it in the SERPs.

Google Keyword Planner gives you a good idea of ​​how many people are looking for your keywords per month, and the fewer exact queries in Google searches, the more profitable your keyword is. For example, if I have a keyword that has about 50,000 searches per month, but only 2,000 websites use that keyword on their pages, then it might be easier for me to get those pages to the top of the search. However, it's important to note that Google has over 200 ranking factors and EXACT competitiveness is just one of them. This method simply gives you a better understanding of the competition.

Google Trends:

I never knew about the power of Google Trends until I started using this tool for my personal blog. It is very easy to use as it requires a simple input of the desired keyword and Google will display the search trend over the next few years. You can get a good idea of ​​the dynamic that the keyword has picked up in recent years. Here's a small example.

How to create blog - a guide to blogging beginners

If I plan to start a blog about “ making money online, ” then I'll go to Google Trends and find the phrase. The tool will display search trends over the past years, months, or days. I'm looking for a growing trend because it shows growing interest and my blog can reach a wider audience. However, if I see a downward trend, it means that over time, fewer people will search for this keyword, and in the future, blogging may be a hindrance. This means lower readership, engagement, and monetization value.

Hopefully this quick beginner's guide to blogging helps you with your niche choices. Good luck in your endeavors!

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