The profession is a copywriter and rewriter. Earnings writing articles


The profession is a copywriter and rewriter. Earnings writing articles

A few decades ago, few people heard about the profession of a copywriter and rewriter, and it was difficult to imagine what this person could do. Now, many companies that offer their products and services have a copywriter. Many people think that a copywriter is just a person who sits at home and writes articles on the topic he wants. In reality, things are a little different. If you want to know more about this profession, then you should read this article on . You will find out who a copywriter and rewriter is, what they do and how much this person can earn on average.

The profession is a copywriter and rewriter. Earnings writing articles

How to Become a Freelance Copywriter Without Experience reveals all my insider secrets to launching a profitable freelance copywriting business without a portfolio, clients, or even a website. 

The profession of copywriter - Who is a copywriter?

On the Russian-speaking Internet, a copywriter is a specialist who writes unique articles for websites on a variety of topics. At the same time, the copywriter himself, most often, is not a specialist in these topics, but writes articles for order or for sale.

The question immediately arises - how can a non-specialist write on a topic that is unfamiliar to him? What will he write about? To answer these questions, search the Internet for materials about copywriting, read personal blogs and copywriter's websites. They contain a lot of interesting information about this profession and even about its secrets. In addition, there are many free courses and various mailings for newbie copywriters on the Internet. Be sure to take the time to study them. If you have problems finding, visit this link.

The profession is a copywriter and rewriter. Earnings writing articles

Today you don't have to be a professional journalist to write texts. Anyone can do this, loves their language, speaks it competently and knows how to work with information. To write an article, most copywriters take information from various sources on the Internet, skillfully process it and make their own unique text. Those. it turns out a kind of rewriting of information on this topic.

After getting an idea of ​​the work of a copywriter, how, why and why articles are written, register on text exchanges. There you can find customers for articles and sell ready-made ones. For articles to be sold, write a lot of articles on different topics, then things will go ...

Prices for articles from copywriters are different. They depend on your rating on the exchange, experience and volume. On average, for 1000 characters (without spaces) the price is $3-$5.

To fill in sites, a unique text is needed, companies need to be colorfully described, online stores need high-quality product descriptions, SEOs need texts with keywords that are correctly inserted ...

Works for a copywriter - the sea! That is why the profession of a copywriter is one of the most demanded for the Internet these days.

The profession of a rewriter - Who is a rewriter?

The word rewriter for freelance newbies sounds incomprehensible. But it is enough to remember school times and you will understand that the biggest difficulty is to pronounce the word rewriter itself, and everything else is already familiar. We all went to school and we know what presentation is. Rewriting is very similar to this process and is the rewriting of someone else's text in your own words. You can choose synonyms, build sentences in a different way, mix paragraphs, but you cannot change the meaning of the original text.

Before the advent of the Internet, rewriting was used to convey information to the reader in a different way - more attractive, interesting or exciting.

With the advent of the Internet and search engines, the work of a rewriter acquired an additional direction. Search robots track the uniqueness of materials posted on sites. To fill the site, information that is already on the network is very often used, so it is very important for a rewriter to track the uniqueness of his work and maintain it at a high level, which can only be achieved by a complete rewriting of the texts.

Search engines are search engines, they can be fooled by technical rewriting, where it is replaced by a synonym, for example, every fourth word, but articles are written for people, and a person will very quickly determine the similarity of an article with previously encountered material. Sites with such content cause mistrust among visitors, to say the least.

In addition to the uniqueness of the text, other strict requirements may be imposed on the rewriting. This is

  • absence of grammatical and spelling errors,
  • lack of fiction and speculation of the rewriter,
  • no rewriter's comments,
  • there should be no personal opinion of the rewriter,
  • there should not be what is missing in the source text,
  • exceptional accuracy in quotes and statements, especially of politicians, economists and experts. It is better not to use direct speech, quotes at all, but to replace it with indirect speech.

The services of a rewriter are used there and for the same purposes as the services of a copywriter. In addition, rewriting is simply irreplaceable in the process of website promotion. The rewriter must ensure that his text is consistent with the subject matter of the source material, especially when the customer provides this material himself.

Today's rewrite price, depending on the complexity and depth, can be from 40 cents to 4 dollars per 1000 characters (at the initial stage, mostly $1-$2  per 1000 characters). This is two times less than the copyright price, but income here and there depends on the volume and everything can turn out in favor of rewriting.

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